Bronson, Ph.D
Biochemical Consulting Company
Biochemical Research Foundation
Aspen, Colorado
Bronson, Ph.D., holds a doctorate in biochemistry, and is an Adjunct Associate
Professor at The University of Denver Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Her
ongoing research involves studying the biological impact of molecules on mood
and emotion. Dr. Bronson works with women who have hormone-based mood disorders
utilizing her original research on human identical hormones. She lives in Aspen,
Colorado, where for many years she was a partner in The Aspen Clinic for Preventive
and Environmental Medicine, and is now President of Biochemical Consulting and
The Biochemical Research Foundation.
Bronson has done years of molecular research, see the important quote below
from her great chemistry colleague and mentor, Dwight Smith, Ph.D., former chancellor
of the University of Denver:
"The research which Phyllis and I pursued here, resulting
in a significant finding, involved the spectroscopic study of natural progesterone
and the synthetic version developed by pharmaceutical companies. The structural
differences between the natural and synthetic progesterone have significant
implications for women's health. The work which Phyllis has done generally in
the chemical and physiological effects of bioidentical hormones has received
wide attention through her numerous lectures and publications."